31. Auditions Video

We had six responses to our music video. We decided to give all six an audition this way we had a wide variety to choose from. In their audition we got them to state their name and age after this we got them to lip-sync for 20 seconds to see if they can keep it up for a long time.
The first person we audition was Eleanor Blackman. We found the Eleanor could stay serious when she was in front of the camera. We was worried that some people might not be able to do this but
Eleanor could which we was very happy about. We needed her to be confident because in our video we wanted her to look and the camera without messing about. When we asked if she could show us some lip-syncing she didn't quite know the words, but saying that she was still able to be in time with the song. This was benefaction to us as it would mean when it came to editing we would have less to do. There were some thing we didn't like which was she wasn't a very joyful happy looking person. This was not very helpful as having these qualities is very important in our music video. She seemed confident but couldn't look at the camera, this might be because she needed to read the words off the screen or was not as confident as she seemed to be. Overall, Eleanor's audition went really well, and we chose her to be one of our actresses.
The second person we auditioned was Alicia Connolly. Alicia was unable to look at the camera but this could have been for the same reasons as Eleanor. She was able to not laugh and kept her self together though our video. We loved look and vibe she brought to the audition, as she was the kind of person we was looking for. We didn't give her the job because she started lip syncing too late and was out of sync throughout the song and she also missed out some of the words. For this reason we did not chose her.
The third person we auditioned was Hannah Bess. Hannah's lip syncing was quite on point, she obviously know the song. She was very smile when singing which made her seem happy, which we liked. But it did make it harder to know what she was saying. We took her smile as confidence but it could have been nervous too. Her overall body stature would say she's not very comfortable because she held her arms together twiddling her fingers in front of her the whole time. She was also rocking slightly anxiously, again showing she was not confident. Though she know the song we don't think she know it word from words as she had to look at the bored the whole time. Ultimately, we decided not to choose Hannah to be in our music videos as we want our actresses to feel comfortable in front of the camera.
The fourth person to audition was Emily Knight she was one of my group’s favourites because she looked very confident and she didn't appear to feel awkward in front of us and the camera. Our favourite part about Emily was her lip syncing as it was on time and we could make out every word she was saying. This was very surprising because she didn't know the words before she started to sing. We wanted to choose Emily as our lead actress but were unavailable on the dates we needed her as she has her own music video to make, meaning that she won't be one of the actresses in our video.
The fifth person to audition was Paige Anderson. Paige audition was good overall. Paige was able to lip sync on time and didn't miss any of the words out. In Paige's audition she didn't laugh or do anything that was not needed which was good as it showed she could keep calm in front of the camera. Again Paige didn't fully like the lyrics too so she had to read them off the bored. We did make everyone sing the same part but it was part way through the song, making it harder for them. Other than not knowing the words fully we did choose Paige as she could lip sync fairly well and her red hair gave her character which we liked.
The sixth and last person to audition was I. My audition was good overall. My lip syncing was on time but would be improved. When we played the video back I noticed that I'm over expressive in my mouth movements. This did show potential because her lip syncing I could practice, and the over expression showed I would be good when it comes to acting. I was able to look straight at the camera and know the lyrics more them most people did and I was able to keep calm though the audition recording. My members of my group gave me one of the roles because of these reasons above. I now know that I need to practice between now and the first filming.

In conclusion doing these auditions was very helpful as it helped us reach out to see who would be good for our music video as we wanted our video to be the best it could be. All the actors in our music video are also in our media group. This is very helpful as we know all these members are dedicated and reliable. Another benefit to using the media group is that we all know what the characters are like and we all had the same vision. To make our video we used Final Cut Pro this was our first time using the programme. This was a good opportunity as we were able to learn how to use the programme before making our music video.
