60. Changing The Colour of Our Music Video to Give More Meaning

 We have got to the point where we have filmed everything, now it is all down to the editing. Our meaning of the video is that we watch a friend’s friendship grown stronger and stronger. At the end we see that this friendship gets broken as they are moving away to university.
We were talking and we want to get the meaning a cross more powerful. When watching the video though we noticed it is all very happy go lucky, for something sad to being happing at the end. We all came up with the idea of down grading the colour through the video eventually turning grey at end.  The video will start all bright colours but then gradually losing colour until the ending scene were the image will be grey.
We think this new colouring is going to be more moving to watch. This will make the sad ending more powerful. As we see them happy together but as the editable gets closer and closer, the colour starts too sad and so does their friendship at the end.
