44. Secound London Filming Evening

On Friday 24th November My group and I planed to do some night filming in Winter Wonderland. We planned to meet at Rainham train station about 3 o'clock. We got the train to St. Pancras station which took about an hour to get there. When we arrived at our location it was pitch black, which is what we wanted. The location was not too over crowded which was perfect, that way people didn't walk is our shots all the time and gave us more room to film.  

It took a little while to get into Winter Wonderland because of the security checks at the gate. We first took a little look around too collecting some ideas and seeing if the frames we planned to do are practical. 
As soon as we got there, we began filming. We took a range of shots that we are very pleased with and think will look good in our music video. We took a lot of establishing shots and shots of the scenery, and a few of each other, including close ups, mid shots, long shots, and two person shots. Unfortunately, we decided not to bring the tripod this time. As last time we brought it to London, a lot of people didn't want us to use it, and we felt that it would get in the way at a place as busy as Winter Wonderland.
We wanted a range of shots though out the music video. We always wanted to do an extreme birds eye view but never had a way of doing this. Luckily at winter wonderland there was a wheel that we could go in. Eleanor and I  went up in the wheel while Paige looked after the bags. The plastic window weren't very clear to film though. I  found that there was a gap and the bottom on the doors where the camera could sit. Both Eleanor and I both tried to get the best shot.We tried to focus on the character a bit more this time. I didn't get to do loads of the filming this time as I was being featured about in the videos. As an actor I tried to feel more free and to not worry what the public thought. This made our footage lot more fun and playful.
While we were traveling back home, We got off the tubes a few times to film some lip syncing that was needed. We planned to do this so we were very happy we still had to time do this as we needed to re-film these videos. We originally planned to film all three of us but Paige recently got braces on. This bit of lip syncing was going to be half way though the video meaning it would be weird if she hasn't got braces, then has then hasn't again. 

In conclusion after looking through the footage I am very happy with the filming that was do at Winter Wonderland. I'm glade that we went to this location as the lights made the night time full of life which we wanted. This post has been good to do as I've been able to conclude what happen on our trip out and how useful it really was.
