47. Can't Find a Date to Film Again

Our ending scene is at four different locations which is a lot to do in 1 day of filming. Like before with Rochester everyone is every busy. To find even one day is very hard at the moment. The four locations are each of pour houses or road and a car park where we hug and say well by.
The problem that has brought to our attention that this could take two maybe three filming days as we want to make sure we get this right. Our problems with meeting up after school and weekends are still there making it very hard for us to film before Christmas. We are aware that our schools deadline is approaching fast, so we need to come up with a solution soon.
My team mates and myself have come up with a solution that we will all take the camera home one night and film by our self’s. This will give each of us an hour each to film our segment. The way this will be done is we will have to us a tripod. This should be safe as we are not going to be overly crowded public places. This is not very ideal as we are not able to see how the shot is after it is filmed. We are also unable to do any zooms or pans as no one will be manning the camera. We will have to press record and then act.
For the hugging scene in the car park we will film this in the school grounds at class, as there is a car park situated far from the buildings meaning the car park will look normal.
